Thursday, March 26, 2015

museum peice

The intersection Fenton X Philadelphia x Burlington is a beautifully-design intersection. Unfortunately, it was designed when Silver Spring was a different place, and it no-longer fits in it's surroundings. The merge lane here - which allows drivers headed west to exit MD 410 without first stopping at the traffic signal. This allows  drivers to maintain a higher speed as they approach Slio x Fenton (the location of man serious crashes over the last few years.) There is also a merge lane at this location that allows the same thing for drivers turning from Fenton onto MD410 headed west. Both of these are dangerous for pedestrians and should be redesigned immediately. I took these photos as I walked by. I'll bet if you stood there for a while you would be terrified at  what goes on at this crossing. I avoid it whenever I can. This is a critical connector for Montgomery College and Downtown Silver Spring. It is an unavoidable feature for many bus riders. It should be dug-up and put into a museum - and replaced with something more thoughtful and sensible.

Saving to buy a new camera Blurry images looked better enhanced...

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