Monday, January 5, 2015

parking on Fenton, part 1

I am trying to establish the County's footprint on Fenton St. This is no small task. I begin here, with this collection of links to County Parking facilities on - or directly adjacent to - Fenton St. I was conservative in my selection. It is by no means a complete list County parking on Fenton. I mean to make the point that County parking  is substantial. The intent of all these decks and lots is to allow people to drive in, park, walk to Fenton, and then proceed to their destination -- also not far from Fenton. Each of these lots - even each individual parking spot - is a County-owned and operated destination.  A destination that is linked directly to sidewalks and pedestrian access.

Even if you drive to Fenton Village or Downtown Silver Spring, when you park, you become a pedestrian. A pedestrian walking through from the parking through Ellsworth x Fenton, or Wayne x Fenton, or Sligo x Fenton.

If you leaf though these links you should get an idea of the County's footprint in parking. It is certainly a big part of the discussion. I promise to take a closer look later.

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