Sunday, January 11, 2015

Sunday burger

Walked down Fenton to go to Burgerfi for lunch. Took these photos on the way there and back.

850 Sligo Avenue, once again, did not shovel thier walks. The side in that shade = Sligo Avenue - is covered with 40 feet of sliipery, uneven ice, and has been for days. Six days after the ice fell. I complained and ticked-off everyone last year.  It got cleared last year - eventually. I figured there was a chance that that would take care of the problem, but obviously not. Everyone - including me - is ready to let this slide... literally.

People will be walking in the street here tonight.

Still some patches of very slick ice ...

This is the much-traeled corner of Fenton and Wayne. Never cleared and still covered with spotty ice. Slick, danerous and incoveneinte.

A few feet way, and your tumbling through the rubble of the sidewalk crushed beneath the big trucks and cranes. IS this sidewalk open? Is it closed? It seems to count on the conditions... or does it? Will this be fixed before the other sides is closed or otherwise obstructed?

The most ambiguous (and one of the busiest) bus stop in the county. This stop, which is an absolute mess, is in between the "sidewalk closed" signs, but has continued to operate the whole time. Go figure.

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