Wednesday, February 18, 2015

snow plow procedure

I walked down Fenton this afternoon. The snow was melting, but the clouds were creeping across the sun with a promise of more snow and frigid weather.

Notice the piles of plowed snow covering several of the crosswalks along the way. The snow was deposited by snow plows after being pushed off of the road surface. Isn't there some way to prevent this? Would it really be so cost-prohibitive to ask the drivers to park the snow a little to the left or right so that disabled people can access the curb ramp? It seems to me to be a self-evident matter  of public safety.

These photos and the accompanying video show pretty-clearly that this situation is a matter of procedure, not a one-off occurrence. The procedure needs to be changed...

Sligo X Woodbury

950 Sligo Ave,

Bus stop at Fenton X Silver Spring Ave. Covered with snow. Riders must trudge through this to get on/off the bus.

DC Cab running a red ligt

Fenton X Easley

The other side of Fenton X Easley

The absolute LEAST you could do...

Bus stop at Fenton X Wayne. Covered with snow. Check out the slushy footprints...

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